Bluff Paranormal برنامه ها

Wonder Box Spirit Ghost Portal 1
The story of Alice in Wonderlandreversed,chopped up into 12,000 files, with REAL-TIME randomdelivery.This ghost box app is entirely reversed speech. There isNOemulation, added effects, or mimicking. This spirit boxportaldelivers random real-time responses using the entire 12chapters ofthis classic novel.
Backwards Box Ghost Spirit Box 1
The Backwards Box app is graphically mockingaguy who has put the ITC field in a backwards tailspin.Thefunctionality of the Backwards Box is legitimate and uses6,000audio bits from the reverse speech livestream.This app utilizes true random delivery of audio. There isnomimicking, emulation, or added effects.
Bluff Portal Reverse Speech 1
This fun ghost box app contains actualchoppedup audio IN REVERSE SPEECH from a rant video by a guy thatsinglehandedly set the ITC Research field back 20 years at least.Audio bits taken from: randomly played.This REVERSE SPEECH edition contains the same hidden eastereggsas the regular edition PLUS an additional 95. They can be heardonthe slower speed settings. :)Proceeds from app sales help fund REAL paranormal research.
Bluff Portal 1
This fun ghost box app contains actualchoppedup audio from a rant video by a guy that single handedly settheITC Research field back 20 years at least.Audio bits taken from: randomly played.There are hidden easter eggs in this app that can be heard ontheslower speed settings. :)Proceeds from app sales help fund REAL paranormal research.
Wonder Box Ghost Spirit Portal 1
The story of Alice in Wonderlandreversed,chopped up into 12,000 files, with REAL-TIME randomdelivery.This ghost box app is entirely reversed speech. There isNOemulation, added effects, or mimicking. This spirit boxportaldelivers random real-time responses using the entire 12chapters ofthis classic novel.
Astral Doorway Spirit Box 1.0
The Astral Doorway is a spirit ghost boxappthat opens a door to the other side. It seems to work bestwhenused by those with "good energy".Randomly plays segments like a physical ghost box from a 60MINUTEaudio file. Slow speed will play a random 1.5 second audiosegment.Fast speed will play a random .75 second segment.PLEASE PUT YOUR SESSIONS ON YOUTUBE!!!Steve H. is looking forward to SEEING YOUR VIDEOS USING THIS APPasit has been a top secret project for some time.This is NOT an EVP enhancer app but a GHOST BOX ITC app. Whatisthe difference between an EVP enhancing app and a Ghost BoxITCapp? EVP enhancing apps play short audio files (usually lessthan 5minutes long) from start to finish EVERY time with norandomness(just like a regular music player). Some EVP enhancingapps mayhave multiple files that are put in "shuffle" mode. That isnottrue randomness.THE ASTRAL DOORWAY APP USES GHOST BOX ITC methods. The appworksby playing short bits of sounds randomly. The 60 minute audiofileDOES CONTAIN WORDS but since it is randomly playing segments,eachsession will be different. You can email me for the audiosourcefile if you would like it for comparison (to prove it isindeedrandom & unique).ALL PROCEEDS HELP FUND FUTURE ITC PROJECTS. THANK YOU FORYOURSUPPORT!
Bluff Portal App 1
This fun ghost box app contains actualchoppedup audio IN REVERSE SPEECH from a rant video by a guy thatsinglehandedly set the ITC Research field back 20 years at least.Audio bits takenfrom: and arerandomlyplayed.This REVERSE SPEECH - CLEAN edition does NOT contain anyhiddeneaster eggs and functions as a legitimate ghost box app.Suitablefor all ages.Proceeds from app sales help fund REAL paranormal research.